Mesabi Daily News - Nolan Seeks Probe on Red Cross Funds

News Article

Date: June 8, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan wants hearings on serious charges in a media story that alleges that $500 million the organization raised for earthquake relief in Haiti provided little help for the people in wake of the 2010 earthquake.

The 8th District Minnesota Democratic congressman wrote in a letter to House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz, a Utah Republican, that even though the Red Cross is not a federal agency, it is a "federal instrumentality" chartered by Congress to maintain a domestic and international system of disaster relief.

"Like millions of Americans, my wife Mary and I have always been big supporters of the Red Cross.

"Throughout its long history, the Red Cross has provided help and comfort to millions of people here in America and throughout the world. And those who gave to those efforts have always done so with confidence that their money would be wisely and managed carefully to assist those in desperate need," Nolan wrote.

But the congressman said the accusations in a National Public Radio story must be addressed.

"However, the allegations of waste and mismanagement in Haiti are extremely disturbing and I believe the Red Cross should be accorded the opportunity to tell their side of the story to Congress and the public."
